We are in the process of completing a major book project.
The book is called, "Winning Career Moves - Football:
NFL Players who successfully transitioned from the playing
field to the boardroom".
Note: Our plan is to complete similar books for other sports
in the near future, so if your story is not about football
, we still would like to hear from you.
We have selected 20 former NFL players
who will be profiled in the book. The book is intended to
share stories of players who made it in sport, and more
importantly, made it in life, in a new career. The players
we are highlighting represent a balance of careers and professions:
human resources VP, marketing VP, regional sales director,
finance manager, product designer, engineer, U.S. senator,
president, small business owner, high school principal, minister,
athletic director, media analyst, a college and professional
coach, computer programmer, lawyer, real estate executive,
and an international businessman to name a few. Our goal is
to provide athletes with a variety of role models to look
to as examples, and to learn from.
The book will have four parts to every players story:
- Football success
- Leaving football behind
- The transition
- Current career success
Each story will haveprovide a little background on each
players past as a professional football player, how
they got into sports, and who was important to them in
on the playing field. Well examine when they separated
from sport, how it happened, and how they felt about it. And
the main story will be about how they handled the transition
and chose their current line of work, what was easy and what
was hard. The reader will receive tips and insights on how
to make the transition out of sport faster and easier, than
if they had to handle it on their own. In other words, learn
from a few who made it, and discover and apply their secrets.
The players story will end with information on their
current profession and the demands and experience required
to succeed in that line of work. We will also outline specific
ways theplayer is giving back to their community or family,
and any special citizenship honors they are particularly proud
of. |