A former professional baseball player needed help finding
job leads and openings in his area of interest and within
50 miles of his home. He was not computer literate, and
was basically limited to the want ads in the paper, and
his small circle of family and friends as contacts. He knew
there was more out there, but did not know how to get started.
He had also heard about the hidden job market, but did not
know what that was, or how to access it.
We met with the player to understand his career area of
interest and qualifications. We coached the player on what
he could reasonably expect given his current education and
limited job experience.
We gave the player one on one technical job search and research
skills on his familys home computer. Within several
hours he was excited about the new possibilities the internet
and a few targeted industry web searches produced. We turned
this player on to over 30 websites that he could access
for potential job leads. After just one month of working
with the former player, he was connected to over 78 potential
companies of interest, and given over 12 solid job leads.
After three months of working with the player, he was hired.